Know your headphone types

There are several types of headphones available on the market and each have their positive and negative points. They are essentially split into 2 types.

• Ear cup (sometimes known as full size) Headphones. These are further split into:
•Circumaural (literally around the ear) Headphones. These are generally the heaviest of the sets and have a circlular pad that completely surrounds the ear cutting off almost all outsde noise. Being larger that some of the other headphones they also generally have a higher quality of sound reproduction.
•Supra-aural (literally over the ear) Headphones. These, again, are larger but the phones consist of a pad which rests on the ear. They are generally considered to be a little more comfortable than circumaural headphones but are not as good at blocking out external noise.
• In ear-phones. These are further split into:
•Ear buds. These are the type that you get free with your ipod. They sit in the outer part of the ear and are much smaller and more wieldy than the Ear Cup Headphones. They are the cheapest but in a lot of cases they don't have great sound quality and are no good at cutting out external noise.
•Ear Plugs. These sit inside the ear canal and are roughly the same size as Ear Buds. Although they are a bit more expensive they can have better sound quality and are much better at reducing external noise.

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