Sale $$ Griffin GC20007 DJ Cable

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Product Feature :
Griffin GC20007 DJ Cable
  • No DJ would want to be without it.
  • Special cable for split output mode .
  • Hear both the speaker mix and the song you're cueing .
  • Connectors for speaker system, headphones, and audio jack of your iOS device.

Griffin GC20007 DJ Cable

Product Description

You need this cable in order to get the most out of algoriddim's djay app on your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad. Not just another splitter cable, our DJ cable is wired especially so that you can enable the Split Output function in djay, and simultaneously hear both what the PA is playing and the track you are cueing up. With Split Output mode enabled, djay sends the master output to the left channel, and the cue output to the right channel. This lets you cue songs through your headphones independently of the mix that's going through the speakers. No DJ would want to be without it. Marware, Inc. is an independently owned U.S. based corporation located in Hollywood, Florida. Their primary focus is designing and producing accessories - to protect your accessories as if they were their own - for the Apple, Amazon Kindle, and mobile electronics markets. They're committed to offering the coolest cases and accessories for all your electronics backed by their superior quality, innovation, style and functionality. Along with designing cases and accessories, they also develop software applications for the Mac and iPhone.

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If you are searching for Griffin GC20007 DJ Cable, we think you're come to the right place. Hopefully you will satisfied with Griffin GC20007 DJ Cable detail and guarantee the low price here.

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